Autocomplete-Optimization compared to standard sEO and pPC

The future of online marketing is now

As a new technology, Autocomplete-Optimization is many times compared to what the market knows as search engine optimization, or SEO.  However, when examining search results, there is little similarity.  Think of Autocomplete-Optimization as SEO on steroids. The differences are vast and will allow a business to dominate their market and their industry. 

Diamond Digital Agency

  • Enjoy a fixed monthly cost that surpasses your competition.
  • Seamlessly integrates with your existing website, requiring minimal or no adjustments.
  • Experience consistent month-to-month results.
  • Lock out your competition on the first page of Google and Bing.
  • Achieve full operational effectiveness within approximately 60-90+ days.
  • Secure up to all 10 organic spots on the first page of Google and Bing.
  • Enhance brand awareness for your business with a presence in the auto-complete box.
  • Exclusive rights to your chosen keywords, ensuring no double selling.
  • Boost your perceived authority with users through appearance in auto-complete.
  • Enjoy a higher return on investment with faster results, increased click-through rates, and lower monthly costs.
  • Includes all components of standard SEO, with a focused approach on blogs, press releases, videos, social media, backlinks, and directories.
  • 12. Emphasizes organic listings, which account for 60-70% of online searchers' usage.


  • The cost of keeping up with the competition can easily reach thousands of dollars per month.
  • Frequent website and social media optimizations are necessary to stay ahead.
  • Results are subject to daily fluctuations, as your competition is engaged in similar efforts.
  • Your competition may appear on the first page of Google and Bing, while you struggle to gain visibility.
  • Obtaining just one spot on the first page could take 6-8 months or even longer.
  • There is a possibility of securing a single position on the first page of Google and Bing.
  • Lacking presence in the auto-complete feature leads to limited brand awareness and a lack of perceived authority.
  • Results may decline if your competition improves their strategies.
  • Higher costs, fewer click-throughs, and increased competition can lead to reduced ROI.
  • No honest guarantee can be provided regarding the outcomes.

  • Example label Subtext

The bottom line is that Search-Box-Optimization (SBO) outshines standard SEO and PPC in every aspect.

We deliver unparalleled search results by securing 10 coveted spots on the first page, leaving standard SEO with just a single spot in the dust. This makes it a breeze for users to click into your information and swiftly convert into customers. SBO guarantees a superior ROI compared to standard SEO and PPC through its combination of lower costs and sky-high click-through rates. With SBO, you'll experience unwavering consistency in both results and costs. Whether you're considering your next move in online marketing or already using SEO or PPC, allow us to propel you towards resounding success in the most profitable way imaginable.

Contact us today to ignite your roi and dominate your market!